About Lapsset Corridor


Afri Fund Capital – Driving success of Lapsset Corridor

PSECC Ltd – Energy, Water & Waste Strategy coordination
Climate Change Mitigation

The consortium collectively commits to mobilize the necessary financial and technical resources as spelt out in the partner’s terms of responsibilities, directly or through a third party.

GOK will be putting in 30% Equity funding, Afri Fund Capital 35% Equity funding into Lapsset Corridor, the remaining from private investors. The GOK and Afri Fund Capital will also contribute the same proportion of funding into Energy projects within the Lapsset Corridor. PSECC and other partners will then source the remaining 35% Equity investment.

Objective – Renewable Energy (Electricity) from Solar Farms, Green Hydrogen, Wind Farms, Hydroelectricity, E-Methanol, Smart Agriculture, Biomass Ethanol – an alternative to Oil usage in transportation., Geothermal and Nuclear – electricity supplied at US5 cents per KWh

Climate Change Mitigation – Adaptive Transition


The partners come together to form a development consortium referred to as the “ HORIZON CONSORTIUM” whose objective is to Finance, Develop, and Manage the Lapsset Integrated Corridor infrastructure and the associated commercial and logistics hubs in accordance with the consortium charter.

PSECC Ltd aim for Net ZERO by 2048 and ZERO Waste within the Lapsset Corridor

TBI – We work with leaders to help them get things done

The biggest challenge facing leaders today is the ability to get things done. So we focus our work there. Working shoulder to shoulder with political leaders and governments, we provide support at every step of the transformation journey to drive real and lasting change.

Net Zero

In Kenya, several steps need to be taken and many have already been taken with such strategy documents as: the National Adaption plan, LCDA Integrated Transport Infrastructure Master Plan, Least Cost Power Development Plan, Development of a Power Generation and Transmission Master Plan, Kenya Energy sector Road Map 2040, Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027, Climate Change Action Plan, Kenya’s Financing Strategy (NDC’s), Kenya Country Climate & Development report 2023 and NUPEA Strategic Plan 2020 – 2025.

Steps need to be taken to bring the emission of carbon dioxide down to zero by 2050 (PSECC Ltd have a development plan to do this by 2048). Some possible actions include:

  1. Transitioning to renewable energy sources such as Hydro, wind, solar, Green Hydrogen, Biomass Ethanol, E-Methanol, Tidal, Nuclear and geothermal power.
  2. Promoting energy efficiency and conservation measures in SEZ industries, transportation, and buildings.
  3. Implementing policies to reduce deforestation and promote afforestation and reforestation.
  4. Encouraging sustainable agriculture (smart agriculture) practices to reduce emissions from the agricultural sector.
  5. Investing in public transportation and promoting electric vehicles.
  6. Implementing carbon pricing mechanisms to incentivize businesses and individuals to reduce their carbon footprint.
  7. Raising awareness and educating the public about the importance of reducing carbon emissions and taking action to combat climate change.

These measures require collaborative efforts from the government, private sector, civil society, and individuals to achieve the goal of zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Based on selling carbon credits the PSECC Energy projects will bring in USD 510 million per year based on USD 6 per ton for Carbon Offsetting credits or US $3.4 Billion each year, based on Bloomberg prices of $40 per ton.

Our PSECC Ltd Renewable Energy proposals for Kenya could save each year upto 85 million tons of CO2

This website will give an insight into the Renewable Energy Technologies required for Lapsset Corridor and Kenya together with background information and collaborative partners.

Balanced Energy System

A balanced decarbonised energy system to meet Net Zero is required from Geothermal, Hydro Dams, pumped Hydro, Nuclear, Green Hydrogen, Solar, Wind, Biomass Ethanol,

E-Methanol, Tidal, Waste-to-Energy, Carbon Capture & Storage.


The investment into Lapsset energy projects will be equity driven, GOK will put in 30%, AFRI Fund will put in 35% in equity too and the remaining 35% of Equity from Private Investment.

First Seven Energy Projects
First seven Energy projects will be the Grand Falls Dam, 300MW solar farm + Green Hydrogen plant at Lamu Port, 300MW solar farm at Isiolo, a 16MW Dam at Isiolo, a Biomass Ethanol plant and the first twenty “Harvesting the Sun Twice” Solar PV with Food production projects at Isiolo. E-methanol plant using some of the Green Hydrogen at Lamu Port.
PSECC Ltd Energy Proposal Concepts

We hope to assist all Countries like Kenya meet their National Determined Contributions (NDC’s) by the adoption of our technologies & funding.

Completion of the Lapsset Corridor – Revenue generation for Kenya – Renewable Energy projects for Lapsset Corridor, will pay for themselves and provide funding for further Climate Change Mitigation.

Lapsset Corridor

The Lapsset Corridor, partially complete, also known as the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) Corridor, is a major infrastructure development project in Kenya. It is a regional transport and economic development corridor that aims to connect Kenya with South Sudan and Ethiopia. The Lapsset Corridor is designed to be a multi-modal transport system that includes various components, all of which require Energy.

The LAPSSET Corridor Program is a remarkable infrastructure initiative that unites Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Sudan in Eastern Africa. This ambitious project comprises seven key components:

  1. Lamu Port: A 32-berth deep-sea port located at Manda Bay in Lamu County, Kenya.
  2. Interregional Highways: These highways connect various regions:
    • From Lamu to Isiolo
    • From Isiolo to Juba (South Sudan)
    • From Isiolo to Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
    • From Lamu to Garsen (Kenya)
  3. Pipelines:
    • Crude Oil Pipeline: Extending from Lamu to Isiolo
    • Product Oil Pipeline: Connecting Lamu to Isiolo and Isiolo to Addis Ababa
  4. Airports:
    • Three International Airports:
      • One each at Lamu, Isiolo, and Lake Turkana
  5. Resort Cities:
    • Three resort cities:
      • One each at Lamu, Isiolo, and Lake Turkana
  6. High Grand Falls Dam:
    • A multipurpose dam along the Tana River
  7. Railway:
    • Interregional Standard Gauge Railway Lines:
      • Lamu to Isiolo
      • Isiolo to Juba
      • Isiolo to Addis Ababa
      • Nairobi to Isiolo

TEU stands for Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit. It is a standard unit of measurement used in the shipping industry to quantify the carrying capacity of container ships and terminals. One TEU is equal to one standard-size shipping container that is 20 feet in length. This unit is used to calculate the total cargo volume and capacity of a vessel or terminal.

Project Components

As of 2015 – The seven key infrastructure project components of the LAPSSET Corridor Program require substantial amounts of resources with a budget estimate of US$24.5 billion, equivalent to KES 2 trillion at current exchange rates in construction costs. It is estimated that Lamu Port with its 32 berths alone will cost approximately US$3.1 billion, the Railway US$7.1 billion while the crude oil pipeline will cost a further estimate of US$3 billion for Lamu to Lokichar trunk line alone.

While Kenya is a low GHG emitter, it should remain vigilant to avoid becoming reliant on fossil fuel production. It will need to install more than 1,500 MW of additional capacity by 2030 to meet the electricity demand.

Kenya’s Key economic sectors in 2018 contributing to GDP

Source: The Landscape of Climate Finance in Kenya
On the road to implementing Kenya’s NDC. March 2021

Environmental Assessment of the Corridor

Kenya Emissions

GOK & COP28 aspirations will be embedded into the Lapsset Corridor

Components are:

1. Lamu Port: The project involves the construction of a new deep-water port at Lamu, a coastal town in Kenya. The port is expected to become the largest port in East Africa and will serve as a gateway for trade and economic activities in the region.

2. Highways and Railways: The corridor includes the construction and upgrading of highways and railways connecting the port of Lamu with major cities and towns in Kenya, South Sudan, and Ethiopia. This transportation infrastructure will facilitate the movement of goods, services, and people across the region.

3. Oil Pipeline: One key element of the Lapsset Corridor is the construction of an oil pipeline from South Sudan to Lamu Port. This pipeline will enable the transportation of South Sudanese oil to international markets and reduce the country’s dependence on exporting oil through Sudan.

4. Airports, SEZ’s and Resort Cities: The project also includes the development of new airports and resort cities along the corridor to boost tourism, trade, and investment in the region. These airports will improve connectivity and accessibility for both domestic and international travellers. The Lapsset Corridor project includes Special Economic Zones (SEZ’s) has significant economic and strategic implications for Kenya and the region. It aims to enhance trade, stimulate economic growth, facilitate regional integration, and create job opportunities. The project is part of the Kenyan government’s broader vision to transform the country into a middle-income country by 2030.

One million acres to be under irrigation by 2030

PSECC Ltd – This is an Energy review of technologies that could be adopted in the Lapsset Corridor.

Below is the PSECC Ltd table of all Kenya target Energy proposals and Lapsset Corridor recommendations.

In Total the new generation capacity for both Kenya, including the Lapsset Corridor could increase by 16.752 GW at a total cost of US $25,525,000,000. The exact funding and MW generation for the Lapsset Corridor will be determined from Feasibility studies and Energy Strategy planning. The GOK will have a 30% shareholding and will provide 30% Equity funding and Afri Fund Capital 35% Equity funding.


The use of cement and concrete in the Lapsset Corridor, among the most widely used man-made materials, should be under scrutiny.  Capture and store the nearly 4 million tons of Carbon Dioxide emitted from Cement works in Kenya each year and introduce new technology in the cement plants. This involves capturing CO2 at the source and storing it underground or utilizing it for other purposes, such as in the production of other materials like concrete.

For every 1 ton of Cement produced = between 0.5 to 1 ton of Carbon Dioxide

Cement attributes nearly 4 million tone of Carbon Dioxide each year in Kenya.

Oil contributes 14 million tons a year of Carbon Dioxide and needs to be reduced.

One ton of cement produced = one ton of carbon dioxide – Cement industry produces 8% of Global Carbon dioxide.

Green Hydrogen Hubs

In the Lapsset Corridor there will be millions of tons of cement and concrete used in both the Railway and Road system so Hydrogen Hub set up within the Corridor is paramount for the hydrogen to be used in Cement manufacturing and in transportation.

Green hydrogen can be used as a sustainable fuel source in cement manufacturing. Cement production is known for being a major emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2) due to the combustion of fossil fuels in the production process. By using green hydrogen, which is produced using renewable energy sources through a process called electrolysis, cement manufacturers can reduce their carbon footprint and achieve lower emissions. Green hydrogen can be used as a clean energy source for heating and powering cement kilns, which are the key equipment used in the production of cement.

By using green hydrogen instead of traditional fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas, cement manufacturers can significantly reduce the carbon emissions associated with their operations. Many cement companies around the world are exploring the use of green hydrogen and other sustainable energy sources to decarbonize their production processes and move towards more environmentally friendly practices. The use of green hydrogen in cement manufacturing is seen as a promising solution to help reduce the environmental impact of the cement industry and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

New Solidia Technologies cement production process – 40% less Carbon dioxide, 30% less energy and increased tonnage from same cement ingredients. In total 70% less Carbon Dioxide – faster processing times.

Current Kenya Energy mix

Carbon Dioxide consideration regarding choice of Energy system deployment

Here is a table of some common energy sources and their CO2 emission factors, based on the data from Our World in Data and IEA

Energy sourceCO2 emission factor (kg CO2/MWh)
Coal820 – 1100
Natural gas350 – 490
Oil610 – 720
Nuclear3.7 – 110
Solar PV18 – 55
Wind8 – 20
Hydropower2.5 – 34
Biomass18 – 230
Geothermal38 – 79
Note that these emission factors are averages and may vary depending on the specific technology, location, and fuel quality. Also, these emission factors do not include the life-cycle emissions of the energy sources, such as the extraction, transportation, and construction of the facilities, which could add to the total greenhouse gas emissions. 

Proposed new Renewable Energies for Lapsset Corridor

We will work closely with the Ministry – Energy is one of the key enablers of Kenya’s long term development agenda the Vision 2030 which aims to ensure Kenya becomes a ‘newly-industrializing, middle-income economy, providing a high quality of life to all its citizens in a clean and secure environment’.

KEREA – Organisation overview

The Kenya Renewable Energy Association (KEREA) is an independent non-profit association dedicated to facilitating the growth and development of renewable energy business in Kenya. KEREA was formed in August 2002 by members of the Renewable Energy Resources Technical Committee of the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and is registered under section 10 of the societies act.

Amongst its key roles are promoting the interests of members of the renewable energy industry among government, public sector, the general public and any other organizations that may impact on the development of the industry; and the creation of a forum for the dissemination and exchange of information and ideas on matters relating to renewable energy development and utilization in Kenya.

We will link into the KEREA for in country expertise, please review their website for a full range of Renewable Energy guidance, useful for the Lapsset Corridor.

UN Partnerships works globally, regionally and in countries to transform the world through partnerships for people and planet.

The World Energy Outlook 2023 provides in-depth analysis and strategic insights into every aspect of the global energy system. Against a backdrop of geopolitical tensions and fragile energy markets, this year’s report explores how structural shifts in economies and in energy use are shifting the way that the world meets rising demand for energy. 

Other Corridor projects in Africa

Kenya – Least costs Power Development Plan (LCPDP)

Project Objectives Statement:    

The concept is to make Lapsset Corridor truly sustainable and a showcase of Climate Change Mitigation COP28 Flagship project and Renewable Energy development. Review all relevant LCDA documentation. The Lapsset Corridor will generate all the required energy from resources within the Corridor and not be reliant upon KenGen or KPLC. 

The goal of this project is to negotiate with LCDA and Ministerial teams to put forward the case for the delivery of PSECC Ltd’s estimate of 16.752 GW of Renewable Electricity as a consequence of Government and Presidential requirements to the Lapsset Corridor and Kenya between 2024 to 2035, no later than [2040] at an agreed price of US $0.05 KWh, working with the USA, Afri-Fund Capital and technology partners. Each Renewable Energy plant will be 30% owned by the Government of Kenya and 35% owned by Afri Fund Capital.  The “Least Cost” option will be chosen for all Renewable Energy types and ensuring Carbon Dioxide Emission reduction, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and National Determined Contributions (NDC’s) are met together with 1,000’s of jobs being created for Kenyan’s.

Engineering Phase One for Feasibility Studies will determine exact energy requirements for the Lapsset Corridor, costs, Environmental aspects and concerns.


Enhance implementation of an energy generation mix plan is required that increases the resilience of the current and future energy systems to the impacts of future climate variability and change.

Efficient and reliable energy supply is fundamental for development of all sectors of the economy. In the past there has been heavy reliance on hydro power plants for energy production, which over recent years have demonstrated vulnerability to extreme events such as droughts and floods, projected to become more frequent with climate change. Programmes are under way to promote renewable energy, energy efficiency and extending access to electricity across the country.

Rigorous incorporation of climate change considerations into current and future sectoral actions is required to build a resilient energy system that reinforces Kenya’s development. Access to reliable, affordable energy is a key component of building climate resilience.

Geothermal power development in Olkaria, Menengai, Morendat- Malewa; coal development in Lamu, Dongo-Kundu, Kilifi, Kwale, Meru/Isiolo; Lake Turkana Wind Power Project; installation of wind energy storage facility in Marsabit; connection of electricity to public institutions; Reforestation of Upper Tana and Sondu Miriu river catchments; Sustainable Energy for All.

Special Economic Zones (SEZ’s)

Renewable Energy provided at $0.05KWh for the Railway, Port and SEZ’s.

Cement Plants

Cement plants are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), which contribute to climate change.

Lapsset Corridor concrete should be sustainable.

The main emissions associated with cement plants are:

1. Carbon dioxide (CO2): The primary greenhouse gas emitted during cement production is carbon dioxide, which is released through the chemical reaction of limestone (calcium carbonate) and other raw materials, known as calcination, as well as fuel combustion during clinker production. CO2 emissions from cement plants are a major contributor to global CO2 emissions.

2. Nitrous oxide (N2O): Nitrous oxide emissions can occur during the combustion of fossil fuels in cement kilns, as well as through the use of nitrogen-containing compounds, such as fertilizers or waste materials. N2O is a potent greenhouse gas with a higher warming potential than CO2, although its emissions from cement plants are comparatively lower than CO2.

3. Sulfur dioxide (SO2): Sulfur dioxide is released into the atmosphere during the combustion of fossil fuels that contain sulfur compounds. This can lead to the formation of sulfuric acid (acid rain) and contribute to air pollution as well as environmental degradation.

4. Particulate matter: Cement plants can release particulate matter, which consists of fine particles and dust, into the air during various stages of production, including raw material handling, grinding, and clinker cooling. Particulate matter can have detrimental effects on air quality and human health.

5. Mercury (Hg): Cement plants may also emit mercury, primarily during the combustion process if the fuels used contain mercury. Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can have severe health and environmental impacts. To mitigate these emissions, cement plants can adopt various measures such as implementing energy-efficient technologies, using alternative fuels or biomass, reducing clinker content in cement, employing carbon capture and storage technologies, and overall improving the overall efficiency of the production process. These measures can help reduce the environmental impact of cement plants and contribute to climate change mitigation efforts.

Sustainable cement should be used – reduces carbon emissions by about 13,000 tonnes a year.”

Capture and store the carbon dioxide emissions generated during cement production. This involves capturing CO2 at the source and storing it underground or utilizing it for other purposes, such as in the production of other materials like concrete.

1. Waste heat recovery: Install waste heat recovery systems in cement plants to capture and utilize the excess heat generated during the production process. This recovered heat can be used for various purposes, such as generating electricity or providing heat for other industrial processes.

2. Water conservation and recycling: Implement water management strategies to minimize water usage in cement production, including the use of water-efficient technologies and recycling of process water. This can help reduce the strain on local water resources and promote sustainable water management.

3. Sustainable sourcing of raw materials: Ensure that the raw materials used in cement production, such as limestone and clay, are sourced sustainably, taking into account environmental and social factors. This includes practices like responsible quarrying, land restoration, and community engagement.

4. Environmental and social impact assessment: Conduct thorough environmental and social impact assessments of cement production facilities to identify and mitigate potential negative impacts on local ecosystems, communities, and biodiversity.

5. Certification and standards: Seek certifications such as the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) or International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certifications that signify adherence to sustainable practices in cement production. By adopting these measures, cement used in the construction of the Lapsset Corridor road can be produced in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly manner, minimizing its carbon footprint and promoting responsible resource management.

Renewable Energy food production 19% less water used with 40% increase in crop growth.

We will work with the following on Climate Change aspects of our Energy recommendations:

Sustainable, Reliable Energy for a Net Zero economy

Own the Solar Radiation, Wind, Waste, Biomass & Tidal

Revenue generation for Governments to be used for the people

The Green Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap for Kenya has been developed by the European Union Global Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF) for Sustainable Energy, in close cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Kenya (EU), the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum (MoEP) for Kenya.  President Ruto has signed agreements with the UK Government for a 30 GW Green Hydrogen programme for Kenya.  We propose 2.2 GW of Green Hydrogen plants for the Lapsset Corridor.


Example – ZERO Waste – ZERO Landfill waste-to-energy plants. Cleanest Energy generation technology, 45% more efficient than Incineration and also Recycles 100% of glass, Metals, Ceramics & Ash.

Electrical consumption continues to steadily rise all over the world. Meeting these challenges requires cutting-edge products and services. The 2.1 billon tonnes of MSW generated each year Globally is set to rise by 70% by 2050 – we are here to assist in the Circular Economy. Siemens could build our waste plants and have built over 1,500 Power Plants Globally. The most professional installation teams work on this project guaranteeing maximum power output, efficient waste handling and monitoring emissions.

MSW, Medical waste, oil sludge processed. The End products of this waste in our Gasification & Recycling plant is  energy, glass, ceramics, metal and small amount of ash.  Medical waste & oil sludge can also be processed. The waste enters the Gasification plant without sorting or separation, all just goes in.

What comes out – Zero waste goes to the landfill sites from our plant as new products are made from the 15 tonnes per day of glass from the plant, ash & ceramics.

Circular Economy in action

ZERO waste goes back into the landfill sites – 10 tonnes per day from the plant of metals are resold for reuse in manufacture of new products.

New products are made such as building concrete blocks for house building or road building material from the 15 tonnes per day (tpd) of glass & 10 tpd of Ash 100% Reuse & Recycling. Tyres are reused – Rubber for electricity production and Steel in new manufactured products onsite.

Renewable Energy – electricity is produced from the cleanest least cost method possible,

PSECC Ltd work in Africa

Our Africa development plan since 2012 – Climate Change Mitigation

Waste Plants & Solar Farms

We are able to provide Funding & EPC to build Tidal Lagoon Power Plants – we had arranged the funding for Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon but the developer let the planning permission run out. Others in the future are possible and we are in negotiations.


Governments will make their National Determined Contributions NDC pledges and International Business Investors have available £60 Trillion for Climate Change Mitigation. Businesses will lead and enable the way to the Net Zero or 1.5 degree C consistent pathways. We can assist all Counties or Countries link into funding.

Local Authority Revenue Expenditure & Financing

UK Export Finance

Councils should use this funding to build Waste Gasification plants, clear landfill sites and old Landfill sites and build Social Housing
We provide all funding and Technology for a Circular Economy & Net ZERO or 1.5 degree C

Typical funding £60 million to £3 Billion – ” NO” repayment of the funding from UK Council

UN Environment Programme

A healthy environment plays a key role in meeting many of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. With a little over 10 years left to meet the target date of 2030, the world will need to pick up the pace and put greater efforts in finding better solutions to pollution, climate change and biodiversity.

W.H.O. Climate Change Unit

Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress alone. The direct damage costs to health is estimated to be between USD 2-4 billion per year by 2030.

The “Breakthrough Energy” Bill Gates…

Technological transformation that gets us from the greenhouse gas-producing tools we currently rely on to a new set of innovations powerful enough to give everyone in the World access to clean, reliable and affordable energy.

Sustainability & transition to a Circular Economy

There is much to see here – long video……

Sustainable Urban Living.  This video explains how the UK can shift into a Circular Economy through the adoption of our plants that has functionality in the waste sector and lead to Sustainable Urban & Rural Life – Organisational Structure with Whole Cost accounting for Ecological & Social systems, Natural Capital. 

Bezos Earth Fund

BEZOS Earth Fund

Circular Economy

ZERO Waste – ZERO Landfill

Background videos on Lapsset Corridor