
Circular Development required

We are aiming for “ZERO WASTE” in Lapsset Corridor – The SEZ’s should be developed along a Circular development process, Circular Development, also known as circular economy or cradle-to-cradle development, is an economic and developmental model that aims to eliminate waste and promote the continual use and regeneration of resources. It is in contrast to the traditional linear “take-make-dispose” cradle-to-grave model of development, where resources are extracted, processed, used, and then discarded as waste.

PSECC Ltd have been developing Gasification Waste-to-Energy & 100% Recycling of Glass, Ash & Metals Power Plants – New trucks also provided and bins & Containers
The UK GENERATES over 30 million tonnes of MSW each year approximately 400 kg per person per year. We can process all of the waste currently being shipped from the UK to European & African Countries

Total Global MSW is 2.1 Billion tonnes of MSW each year due to grow 70% by 2050

This is the project for Kisumu in Kenya in 2021/2023…..

1.   ZERO Waste – ZERO Landfill – complete Sustainable Waste project
2.   “NO” Cost or burden to Government for the plants and “NO” tipping Fee
3.   Provision of $80 million & more via US EXIMBANK
4.   MSW, Medical and some liquid waste processed, energy, recycling, fertilizers, fuels produced, which fits into the Kisumu Strategic Objectives
5.   Climate Change Mitigation – Renewable Energy – CO2 & CH4 reduction
6.   Less Air Pollution and Leachate from Landfills entering the water courses and Lake Victory, 
7.   Removal of Plastic from Lake Victoria
8.   Increase in Fish stocks
9.   100% recycling of Glass, Ash and metals used in production of new products in the new Waste Management Facility 
10.  300 job creation, poverty reduction, Revenue Generator for Kisumu Government
11.  50 Trucks & 100 Gas Powered Rickshaws immediately
12.  Plant operational by July/August 2022
13.  Manufacturing of Concrete Building blocks
14.  Food production using waste Carbon Dioxide from the plant & heat (Food security)
15.  45% more efficient than Incineration
16.  50% less cost than Incineration
17.  112,482 MWh of electricity produced each year (Renewable Energy) from each plant
18.  Income generation each year revenue from the plant for Kisumu Government, actual amount will be determined by negotiations and the Feasibility study
19.  All SDG’s met (Sustainable Development Goals) by these waste plants for Kisumu,
20.  Carbon Credits

We can process all of the waste currently being shipped from the UK to European & African Countries

Councils could own their own Waste plants – 100% Recycling of glass, metals and ceramics – plastic is used for electricity generation using Syngas in the Gasification process. Full funding provided with no need for the Counties in Kenya to pay back the funding and receive revenues – funding paid back via Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’s)

Plant economics

Loan repayments to be taken out of profits.

We can stop plastic from entering the Nile

CLEAR LANDFILL SITE & use the high energy content then build

The need for more housing, developers are to build on top of former landfill sites. How safe are these places, and should people be concerned about living on top of them? – YES.

UK disposes of 50 million tonnes of industrial, commercial & domestic waste into landfill every year. WE USE THE LANDFILL WASTE & CLEAR