
Water is important to the Lapsset Corridor

PSECC Ltd – Lapsset Corridor Energy, Water & Waste Strategy coordinators

Kenya’s Water situation

Kenya’s annual per capita freshwater endowment was estimated at 406m3
in 2022 meaning, the renewable freshwater is chronically scarce. This coupled with rapid population growth, urbanization and increasing rate of economic development has created increased water demand.

Kenya’s varied agro-ecological zones, climate change and variability add to this complexity, and especially the severity of droughts and floods.
The Government of Kenya has therefore embarked on an ambitious programme to enhance water security for irrigation, domestic, industrial uses and hydro-power generation through Public Private Partnership (PPP).

The 100 PPP Dams Initiative, seeks private sector capital and technology through a Design, Finance, Build, Operate, Maintain and Transfer model. The targeted dams are spread across the country.


Kenya Water Master Plan

Kenya does have a national water master plan called the National Water Master Plan 2030 (NWMP 2030). Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

  • Purpose: The NWMP 2030 aims to ensure proper development and management of Kenya’s water resources to support the country’s social and economic development goals outlined in Kenya Vision 2030.
  • Objectives:
    • Allocate water for basic needs, international obligations, and inter-basin transfers.
    • Promote sustainable water resources management practices.
    • Facilitate the development of water infrastructure projects.
    • Improve water use efficiency across various sectors.
  • Content: The NWMP 2030 is a comprehensive document that includes: * Assessment of Kenya’s water resources and availability * Strategies for water conservation and development * Plans for improving water supply and sanitation * Institutional framework for water management
  • Development: The NWMP 2030 was developed by the Government of Kenya (GOK) with technical assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). It was launched in 2014.

Here are some resources where you can learn more about the NWMP 2030:

The NWMP 2030 serves as a blueprint for Kenya’s water management strategies and plays a crucial role in achieving sustainable water use within the country.

Ministry Dam projects

In 2023 the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation tendered the following Dam projects:

Freshwater is vital for all life on Earth. Clean, reliable water supplies are essential to food production, power generation, and industrial production. Freshwater ecosystems, such as lakes, rivers, wetlands, and deltas also play an important role in supporting the planet’s biodiversity.

PSECC Ltd and all Horizon Consortium partners, if required will work towards getting funding and EPC to build all the above Dams together with the Upper Grand Falls Dam & Isiolo Dam.

One million acres to be under irrigation by 2030

According to data from the World Bank, as of 2016, Kenya had a total agricultural land area of approximately 14.52 million hectares, which is equivalent to about 35.88 million acres. Agriculture is a vital sector of the Kenyan economy, employing a large percentage of the population and contributing significantly to the country’s GDP. The agricultural sector in Kenya includes various crops, livestock, and fisheries, with small-scale farming being the predominant form of agriculture in the country.

Moving water

In terms of water supply and irrigation within the Lapsset Corridor in Kenya, what needs to be done to secure good water supplies of drinking water, and provide water for irrigation

Kenya can secure good water supplies for drinking and irrigation within the Lapsset Corridor by:

Water Resource Assessment and Planning:

  • Comprehensive Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment, such as the Water Master Plan of available water resources within the Lapsset Corridor. This should include surface water sources like rivers and lakes, groundwater potential, and rainfall patterns.
  • Water Demand Projections: Develop projections for future water demand for both drinking water and irrigation, considering population growth and agricultural expansion plans.
  • Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM): Implement IWRM strategies that promote the coordinated management of all water resources within the corridor. This ensures a balance between competing water needs and promotes sustainability.

Infrastructure Development and Management:

  • Water Treatment Plants: Invest in building water treatment plants with sufficient capacity to meet the growing demand for clean drinking water within the corridor. Upgrading existing plants might also be necessary.
  • Irrigation Systems: Develop efficient irrigation systems that minimize water waste. Drip irrigation is a good option as it delivers water directly to the root zone of plants.
  • Water Storage Infrastructure: Explore options for storing water during high-flow periods for use during droughts. This could involve small dams, reservoirs, or underground storage depending on the feasibility and water source.
  • Maintenance and Leak Reduction: Regularly maintain existing water infrastructure to minimize leaks and ensure efficient water distribution.

Sustainable Water Management Practices:

  • Rainwater Harvesting: Encourage rainwater harvesting techniques at both household and community levels to capture rainwater for various uses, reducing reliance on groundwater and surface water sources.
  • Water Conservation Awareness: Promote public awareness campaigns on water conservation practices in both urban and rural areas within the Lapsset Corridor. This can encourage responsible water use and reduce overall demand.
  • Watershed Management: Implement proper watershed management practices to protect and restore the health of watersheds that feed rivers and streams within the corridor. This can help regulate water flow and improve water quality.

Technological Solutions:

  • Desalination: Explore the feasibility of desalination plants for treating seawater and providing additional water sources, especially in coastal areas within the corridor.
  • Precision Irrigation: Consider implementing precision irrigation technologies that use sensors and data to deliver the exact amount of water needed by crops, optimizing water use efficiency.

Governance and Financing:

  • Institutional Strengthening: Strengthen water governance institutions within the Lapsset Corridor to ensure efficient water management and equitable distribution of water resources.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Explore public-private partnerships to finance the development and maintenance of water infrastructure within the corridor.
  • Water Pricing: Implement a fair and transparent water pricing system that discourages water waste and encourages conservation practices.

By implementing a combination of these strategies, Kenya can secure good water supplies for drinking and irrigation within the Lapsset Corridor. Prioritizing sustainability and responsible water management will be crucial for long-term success.

When considering both climate change mitigation and irrigation within the Lapsset Corridor, the “best” way to move water depends on several factors.

Water supply & Irrigation

Water Source:

  • Surface Water: If the water source is a river or lake, the most suitable method would depend on the distance and elevation difference between the source and the fields. Options include:
    • Gravity-fed Canals: For short distances and minimal elevation changes, gravity-fed canals can be a low-energy option.
    • Pumps: For longer distances or significant elevation changes, pumps powered by renewable energy sources (solar, wind) would be ideal for mitigation.
  • Groundwater: If groundwater is the source, the key is to ensure sustainable extraction rates. Options include:
    • Solar-powered Pumps: Extracting groundwater using solar-powered pumps minimizes reliance on fossil fuels. However, careful monitoring is crucial to avoid depleting aquifers.

Irrigation System:

The irrigation system itself also plays a role in water efficiency:

  • Drip Irrigation: Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the root zone of plants, minimizing evaporation and maximizing water use efficiency.
  • Sprinkler Irrigation: While less efficient than drip irrigation, sprinkler systems powered by renewable energy sources are still better than traditional methods that rely on fossil fuels.

Balancing Factors:

Here’s how to weigh the factors and choose the most suitable method:

  • Minimize Energy Use: Prioritize methods that minimize overall energy consumption for water movement. This means favoring gravity-fed canals and solar-powered pumps whenever possible.
  • Water Availability: Ensure the chosen method doesn’t lead to unsustainable extraction of water resources. Monitor groundwater levels and adapt accordingly.
  • Economic Feasibility: The chosen method should be economically viable for long-term use by farmers. Consider maintenance costs and potential government subsidies for renewable energy solutions.

Additional Considerations:

  • Water Storage: Explore options for storing water during high-flow periods to use during droughts. This could involve small dams, reservoirs, or underground storage depending on the water source.
  • Community Involvement: Involving local communities in planning and managing water resources is crucial for sustainability and successful implementation.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a water movement method that balances climate change mitigation with effective irrigation practices within the Lapsset Corridor.

Could this be possible for Lapsset Corridor

Challenges Faced by the Kenya Water Sector Management in Improving Water Supply Coverage

Water is an important component in national development. Despite the efforts of the Kenyan government to increase water coverage throughout the country so that economic development of the nation remains unimpeded, recent statistics show that the rate of water supply improvement is unlikely to support the nation’s long-term development goals. 

The government’s drive to improve water services in Kenya started in 1967, two years after independence, when basic facilities amongst the water and sewerage were nationalised to allow government to provide and expand services so as to spur development for improved welfare of its citizens. It is reported that Kenya had achieved high urban water supply service coverage by 1970 and that the focus then shifted to rural areas with the goal of reaching all the rural population before the year 2000.

This was not to be as the rural-urban migration strained services in urban areas, forcing the government to re-strategize its long-term water targets. Even then the targets remained elusive: the government was not only encountering hurdles in expanding water infrastructure but also facing sustainability issues from existing systems. This situation prompted the commencement of reforms in the sector which led to the adoption of a new water policy in 1999. 

As at 2010, the national water demand stood at 3,218 MCM equivalent to 14% of the supply base of 22,564 MCM. On account of hosting Nairobi and Mombasa Cities, their peri-urban areas in addition to Machakos, With regard to LAPSSET, the catchments of traverse namely TCA, ENNCA and RVCA enjoy favourable balances with demand estimated at between nine and 14% of supply.

By year 2030 when LAPSSET is targeted to be functional, the water balance scenario is expected to undergo dramatic change with the national demand growing 80.88% to stand at 21,468 MCM against a supply of 26.634 MCM. Simultaneously, demand will outstrip supply in several catchments; 281% for ACA, 105% for TCA, 95% for ENNCA and 47% for RVCA respectively as some development become clearly non-viable.

Water itself is not considered energy. However, water can store and transport energy in various forms. For example, water can contain thermal energy in the form of hot or cold water, it can be used to generate hydroelectric power by harnessing the energy from flowing or falling water, and it can also store potential energy in dams and reservoirs for later use in generating electricity. So, while water is not energy itself, it can be involved in energy-related processes and is important to the Energy mix of Lapsset Corridor and Kenya.

PSECC Ltd will work with the Government, Afri Fund Capital, World Bank & COP28 funding platforms for solar PV water irrigation throughout the Lapsset Corridor Irrigation that pays for itself

PSECC Ltd will work closely with WaterAid and Ministry of Water.


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UNESCO World Water report

The United Nations World Water Development Report 2024, entitled “Water for Prosperity and Peace”, is launched on 22 March, World Water Day, at the Paris headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The 2024 edition of  UN-Water’s flagship annual report on water issues describes how developing and maintaining a secure and equitable water future underpins prosperity and peace for all and how poverty and inequality, social tensions, and conflict can amplify water insecurity.

The report calls attention to the complex and interlinked relationships between sustainable water management, prosperity and peace, describing how progress in one dimension can have positive, often essential, repercussions in the others.

Egypt example

PSECC Proposal – working closely with the Ministry of Water, Sanitation & Irrigation and also WaterAid – Irrigation that pays for itself – funding could come via Energy project funding or the World Bank.

Tim Makofu Kinyanjui

Edith Collicot

Tim & Edith head-up the PSECC Ltd “Harvesting the Sun Twice” project initially in Isiolo.

(Bringing much needed Food Security & Water together with Solar PV to the people of Isiolo) – with water irrigation and water for livestock animals and people. The proposed Isiolo Dam could make provision of water for our Irrigation of water supply for the areas indicated in the Forsaken by the Rain video. This Isiolo Dam is one that PSECC Ltd hope to assist with fund identification provision.

The proposed dam is located at Crocodile Jaws site approximately 18km from Oldonyiro shopping centre and on the border of Isiolo and Laikipia counties. The proposed dam is intended to regulate the flows of the Ewaso Nyiro River, supply water to Isiolo town, the proposed Isiolo resort city and rural areas of Isiolo, Laikipia and Samburu counties. The project will also generate 16MW of hydropower.

The project will serve a population of about 220,726 people in the initial year 2020, 343,560 people in the future year 2030 and 564,819 in the ultimate year 2040. The projected water demand is 7,894m3/day for the initial year 2020, 18,957m3/day in the future year 2030 and 60,000m3/day in the ultimate year 2040.


The table below shows the project particulars of the proposed dam:

S/noDetail DescriptionExplanation
1Inundated/Flood area (Ha)2,083
2Dam height (m)83
3Storage volume (m3*106)214.3
4Catchment area (km2)8,583
5Fetch/throw back (km)14.3
6Crest length (m)1,075
7Water treatment plant60,000m3/day
8Diameter of raw water transmission line1,000mm
9Length of raw water main500m
10Treated water mains800mm-400mm
11Storage tanks15,000m3, 4,000m3 and 2,500m3
13Hydropower potential (MW)16

Australia example

Kenya Water Authority Mandate

  1. Undertake on behalf of the national government, the development of national public water works for water resources storage and flood control;
  2. Maintain and manage national public water works infrastructure for water resources storage;
  3. Collect and provide information for the formulation by the Cabinet Secretary of the national water resources storage and flood control strategies;
  4. Develop a water harvesting policy and enforce water harvesting strategies:
  5. Undertake on behalf of the national government strategic water emergency interventions during drought;
  6. Advise the Cabinet Secretary on any matter concerning National public water works for water storage and flood control

Regarding the Grand Falls Dam, it has a reservoir that fills up with water from the Blue Nile, a river that carries mostly freshwater from the Ethiopian highlands. So, while the primary purpose of the dam is not to store fresh water for drinking or irrigation, the reservoir created behind the dam does contain freshwater from the river. This water can be used for various purposes, but its main function is to generate hydroelectric power.

There are several strategies that can be implemented to bring water to the people and animals in Isiolo, Kenya.

These strategies can include:

1. Borehole drilling: Identifying suitable locations for drilling boreholes can be an effective way to access groundwater sources. These boreholes can provide water for both human and animal consumption.

2. Rainwater harvesting: Promoting and facilitating the installation of rainwater harvesting systems can help capture and store rainwater for domestic use and possibly for livestock as well. Install 100 Harvesting the Sun Twice projects to grow crops and save 40% water usage.

3. Water conservation and management: Educating the community about water conservation practices, such as reusing and recycling water, can help reduce wastage and increase the availability of water for both people and animals.

4. Installation of water tanks and storage systems: Setting up communal or individual water tanks and storage systems can help store water for use during dry spells or droughts.

5. Irrigation systems: Introducing affordable and sustainable irrigation systems, such as drip irrigation, can help support agriculture and ensure a steady supply of water for both people and animals.

6. Community engagement and empowerment: Encouraging community participation and involvement in water management initiatives can lead to the development of sustainable solutions tailored to the local context.

7. Water infrastructure development: Improving and expanding water supply networks, pipelines, and distribution systems can help bring water to remote areas and ensure equitable access for all.

8. Public-private partnerships: Collaborating with private organizations, NGOs, and government agencies can bring in expertise, funding, and resources to implement large-scale water projects.

9. Water purification and treatment: Implementing water treatment technologies, such as filtration systems or chlorination, can ensure that the water provided is safe for drinking and other purposes.

10. Education and awareness campaigns: Conducting awareness campaigns on the importance of clean water, sanitation practices, and hygiene can encourage behaviour change and promote the proper use and management of water resources.

Energy and irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa – taken from above report.

Sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by poor energy infrastructure and low levels of electricity access, which correlate with low levels of agricultural development, including development of groundwater. In stark contrast, the continent has among the highest levels globally of solar energy availability (IEA, 2019a). Agriculture is largely rainfed, but as a result of population growth and climate change, there is a clear need to expand
food production to ensure food security and build resilience. Groundwater resources across the region are generally underutilized, so that there is a high potential to sustainably expand small-scale irrigated agriculture if affordability and other constraints can be overcome (Altchenko and Villholth, 2015).

The cost of small scale SPIS have reduced significantly in recent years and are beginning to enter the market, particularly in East Africa where distributors and supply chains are better developed (Efficiency for Access, 2019). Diesel driven pumps are cheaper to purchase but costlier to run than solar energy devices, and they generate high greenhouse gas emissions. It is anticipated that the mix of energy supply for small pumps across the region will depend on factors such as farmers’ crop choice and the future price of diesel and appropriate solar technologies (Xie et al., 2021). With growing demand, better governance and co-management of groundwater and energy will be required to ensure sustainable resource use.

Water irrigation & Energy production

There are a few ways that salty water can be turned into drinking water at a reasonable price in developing nations like Kenya and the Lapsset Corridor:

  1. Desalination: Desalination is the process of removing salt and other impurities from seawater or brackish water to produce fresh water. This can be done through various methods such as reverse osmosis, distillation, or electrodialysis. While desalination can be expensive, advancements in technology have made it more affordable and accessible in recent years.
  2. Solar desalination: Utilizing solar energy to power desalination plants can help reduce operating costs and make the process more sustainable. Solar desalination systems can be more cost-effective in the long run, especially in regions with abundant sunlight like Kenya.
  3. Water purification systems: Implementing water purification systems such as nanofiltration or microfiltration can be a more affordable alternative to traditional desalination methods. These systems can help remove salts and other contaminants from water sources, making it safe for drinking.
  4. Community-based water treatment solutions: Establishing community-based water treatment facilities or decentralized systems can help provide clean drinking water to local populations at a lower cost. These systems can be operated and maintained by the community, reducing the overall expenses.
  5. Rainwater harvesting: In areas with limited access to clean water sources, rainwater harvesting can be a cost-effective solution to supplement drinking water supplies. Simple rainwater collection systems can be set up to capture and store rainwater for household use.

Overall, a combination of these technologies and strategies can help turn salty water into drinking water at a reasonable price in developing nations like Kenya and the Lapsset Corridor. Local governments, non-profit organizations, and private sector partners can work together to implement sustainable and affordable solutions to address water scarcity issues in these regions.

PSECC Ltd recommendation throughout Kenya

Vulnerability of Kenya’s Water Towers to Future Climate Change

Recent trends show that in the coming decades, Kenya’s natural resources will continue to face significant pressure due to both anthropogenic and natural stressors, and this will have greater negative impacts on socio-economic development including food security and livelihoods.

In Kenya, the term “water tower” refers to areas with high elevation that act as natural catchment areas for rainwater and serve as important sources of water for rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers. These water towers play a vital role in regulating the flow of water, ensuring a steady supply of water for irrigation, drinking, and other uses. They also help in maintaining the ecological balance and biodiversity of the surrounding areas.

The conservation and protection of water towers are essential for sustainable water management in Kenya.

Some of the water towers in Kenya include:

  1. Mount Kenya water tower
  2. Aberdare water tower
  3. Mau Complex water tower
  4. Cherangani Hills water tower
  5. Mount Elgon water tower
  6. Mount Marsabit water tower
  7. Mount Nyiro water tower
  8. Shimba Hills water tower

These water towers are important sources of water for rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers in Kenya, playing a crucial role in maintaining the country’s water supply and ecosystem.

Understanding the impacts of these stressors is an important step to developing coping and adaptation strategies at every level. The Water Towers of Kenya play a critical role in supplying ecosystems services such as water supply, timber and non-timber forest products and regulating services such as climate and water quantity and quality.

This can return back the land to green pastures and help prevent continued desertification – Build 100 Harvesting the Sun Twice projects to enable food crops to be grown with 40% less water.

Pumping station power by Solar PV & Solar Farm to irrigate agricultural land

Kenya Lakes

Water demand will largely outstrip supply by 2030: All three basins traversed by the LCIDP are projected to experience huge deficits in water supply (Table ES 01 above) with the greatest pressure being felt in the Ewaso Ng‘iro North River. Further, given that the NWMP 2030 has not factored demand expected from LAPSSET, pressure on water resource is likely to be more severe with dangerous consequences on competing needs including livelihoods.

The Crises facing pastoral land systems: Of Kenya‘s land area of 582,650 square kilometres, pastoral rangelands account for 82.43% equivalent to 483,840 square kilometres. On account of low biomass productivity, pastoral production systems rely on extensive land-use which requires that vast stretches of land be available for rotational exploitation. As a consequence, of the national livestock herd of 21,649,855 TLU, only 70% equivalent to 15,154,898 TLU is held in the ASALs suggesting a stocking rate of 44.8 TLUs per square kilometre equivalent to 2ha per TLU.

On account of mandatory seasonal migration, access to dry season grazing and water is the essence of resilience of pastoral livelihoods which calls for a very flexible land tenure system. Traditional land tenure systems therefore evolved to allow pastoralists to move out and access dry season grazing grounds sometimes outside of tribal jurisdictions in a system whereby though many communities held jurisdiction over certain territories, the whole range was managed and used as a single resource often under reciprocal arrangements. This inherent right of pastoralists to seasonally move their flocks has persistently been eroded through decisions that overtime, tended to confer exclusive rights over parts of the range to individuals or groups in the process restrict pastoralists and their herds from accessing resources.

Without urgent action, the gap between water demand and supply in Kenya is projected to reach 30% by 2030. Climate change, deforestation, unsustainable consumption behaviours, and catchment degradation are worsening the impacts of droughts and floods in the country, resulting in increased water stress and insecurity for agricultural, industrial, and domestic users.

Kenya with a population of 35 million faces enormous challenges in providing sustainable access to safe water, sewerage systems and basic sanitation for its fast growing population. Water is very important to the Lapsset Corridor – presently, the rural population is still bigger than the urban. But, as in all other countries in Africa, the pace of urbanisation is breath taking and leads to an increasing number of emerging “hotspots” which need particular attention such as the densely populated settlements of the urban poor. More than half of the urban population live in such settlements where population growth reaches 10% per annum and more.

Background videos


Water Master Plan

PSECC Ltd will work with COP28 funding platforms for solar PV water irrigation throughout the Lapsset Corridor

The Vision
“Assured water supply, sewerage services and basic sanitation for all Kenyans for improved health and wealth creation on an individual level and for the nation”

The Mission
“To realise the goals of the MDG declaration and the Vision 2030 of the Kenyan Government concerning access to safe and affordable water and basic sanitation by responsive institutions within a regime of well defined standards and regulation”

Desalination plants, solar PV pumping, Dams and water irrigation channels

PSECC Ltd recommend – Desalination plants and Water from Dams can be channelled in canals across Lapsset Agricultural Corridor and the canals covered with Solar PV to provide additional renewable energy for irrigation especially in Isiolo, refrigeration of crops when harvested and general agricultural use in order to develop a good agricultural base in the Lapsset Corridor. Solar PV panels to pump water and help reduce evaporation of water.

Kenya has a total land area of approximately 224,960 square miles. In terms of dimensions, it is roughly 420 miles wide from east to west and about 679 miles long from north to south. With new Dams, smart water management and Agriculture together with solar PV arrays over water channels then water sustainability will be achieved for both people and livestock. n

PSECC Ltd – similar project for Turkey

Smart Water Management

Smart water management is highly crucial for Kenya, a country that experiences frequent droughts, water scarcity, and increasing population pressures. There are 100 Dams for Hydroelectricity as well as drinkable water in the development stage in Kenya and investors are required.

Some key strategies for smart water management in Kenya include:

1. Rainwater Harvesting: Encouraging the collection and storage of rainwater can help reduce reliance on groundwater sources and provide water during dry seasons. This can be achieved through the construction of household water tanks, community reservoirs, and farm-level water storage systems.

2. Efficient Irrigation Systems: Promoting the use of efficient irrigation methods like drip irrigation or sprinkler systems can minimize water wastage and increase agricultural productivity. Providing training and incentives to farmers for adopting efficient irrigation techniques is essential.

3. Water Recycling and Reuse: Promoting the use of treated wastewater for non-potable purposes such as irrigation, industry, and sanitation can reduce the demand for freshwater sources. Implementing proper treatment and purification technologies is vital to ensure the safe reuse of wastewater.

4. Leakage Detection and Repair: Developing and implementing advanced technologies for leak detection in water supply systems can help identify and repair leaks promptly, reducing water losses and optimizing water distribution infrastructure.

5. Water-Efficient Practices: Educating and raising awareness among communities about water consumption patterns, promoting water-saving methods like using low-flow toilets, faucets, and efficient appliances, and implementing water-efficient practices in industries and commercial sectors can significantly conserve water resources.

6. Integrated Water Resource Management: Implementing an integrated approach to water resource management involves considering the interlinkages between various water sources, such as rivers, lakes, groundwater, and rainfall. This approach ensures sustainable water allocation, effective monitoring, and equitable distribution.

7. Data Monitoring and Management: Leveraging technology and data management systems to monitor water resources, track water usage, and analyse trends can enable evidence-based decision-making. This includes establishing water monitoring networks, implementing real-time sensors, and utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for efficient water management.

8. Encouraging Behavioural Change: Implementing education and awareness programs on water conservation, promoting water-saving practices in schools, communities, and households can drive behavioural change and foster a culture of responsible water usage.

9. Collaborative Governance: Encouraging multi-stakeholder participation, engaging local communities, and establishing partnerships between government agencies, NGOs, and private sector entities are essential for effective water management.

This collaboration ensures coordination, shared responsibility, and sustainable solutions. By adopting these strategies, Kenya can achieve more sustainable utilization of its water resources, ensure water availability for all, mitigate the impacts of droughts, and promote economic development while preserving the environment.


Our Digital Data & Tools

In areas of poor infrastructure, Digital innovation presents an opportunity to leapfrog existing technologies and efficiently connect to the value chain. It has the potential to be a game changer. However to make this happen we need to make, machine learning, big data and blockchain more equitable and inclusive in relation to sustainability of water in developing regions of the world.

Throughout the Dialogue, ‘Water & Food Systems Thinking’ will provide the framework for discussing the complexity of the water and food system, in a way that addresses the importance of considering the needs and well-being of our future generations and involving young people in possible interventions and strategic long-term decision making, impacting their lives most of all.

International Water Management Institute

Water management redefined.

It is at the same time a solution platform, a networking event and a knowledge hub, and brings together the most important international industry representatives from politics, business and science. As the largest international trade fair for the water, wastewater, recycling and municipal technology sectors.


Background videos

Electric Bikes for water transport