Cities & SEZ’s

Renewable Energy

Lapsset Corridor Three new Cities

PSECC Ltd proposals

Special Economic Zones (SEZ’s)

PSECC Ltd – To develop the science, industry, technology, commercial and medical sectors within the three Special Economic Zones (SEZs) of the Lapsset Corridor, Kenya can implement several key strategies:

Infrastructure Development:

  • High-Speed Internet: Invest in high-speed internet infrastructure within the SEZs to facilitate research, communication, and data transfer crucial for these sectors. Consider options like fiber optic cables or satellite internet to ensure reliable connectivity.
  • Research Facilities: Develop dedicated research facilities within the SEZs equipped with modern equipment and laboratories. These facilities could cater to different fields like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, or advanced materials research.
  • Medical Facilities: Establish advanced medical facilities within the SEZs, including hospitals, research centers, and diagnostic labs. This would attract healthcare professionals and research institutions while providing high-quality medical services to the region.
  • Innovation Hubs: Create innovation hubs within the SEZs that provide co-working spaces, business incubation services, and access to funding for startups and entrepreneurs in science, technology, and medical fields.

Policy and Regulations:

  • Investment Incentives: Offer attractive tax breaks, streamlined business registration processes, and other incentives to attract domestic and foreign investors in science, technology, and medical companies to the SEZs.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: Implement robust intellectual property protection laws within the SEZs to ensure companies can benefit from their research and development efforts.
  • Regulatory Efficiency: Establish clear and efficient regulatory frameworks for scientific research, clinical trials, and medical device approvals within the SEZs to expedite innovation and product development.

Human Resources:

  • STEM Education: Focus on strengthening Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education in the region to develop a skilled workforce for the targeted sectors. This could involve collaborating with universities to offer specialized programs and establishing vocational training centers.
  • Talent Acquisition Programs: Develop programs to attract and retain skilled professionals in science, technology, and medicine within the Lapsset Corridor SEZs. This could involve offering competitive salaries, career development opportunities, and a good quality of life in the region.
  • Research Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between universities, research institutions, and private companies within the SEZs to foster innovation and knowledge exchange.

Additional Considerations:

  • Sustainability: Promote sustainable practices within the SEZs by encouraging the development of green technologies, resource-efficient processes, and responsible waste management.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Foster public-private partnerships to leverage resources and expertise from both the government and private sector for the development of the SEZs.

By implementing these strategies, Kenya can create an environment that attracts investment, fosters innovation, and nurtures a skilled workforce, ultimately leading to the development of thriving science, technology, and medical sectors within the Lapsset Corridor SEZs.

Smart Cities

COP28 indicated Smart City planning is required, Financial, political and governance challenges to Climate Change Mitigation deprive many cities of the capacity to invest in local renewable energy. There are now COP28 funding mechanisms but also our private funding sector is playing a growing role in accelerating the deployment of renewables in both urban and rural regions of Africa. Many of these efforts aim specifically at supporting energy access for previously unelectrified populations. PSECC Ltd Energy proposals could save in total the CO2 Emission reduction (lower limit) – 65.70 million tons per year to 85 million tons upper limit of Carbon Dioxide in the Lapsset Corridor & Kenya. During 2017 and 2018 alone, more than USD 500 million was invested in the off-grid solar sector, much of it in East and West Africa.

Many municipal governments have adopted ambitious climate and energy targets, covering both municipal operations as well as city-wide emissions and energy use.

For many cities and for Lapsset Corridor SEZ’s, setting a target can act as a catalytic step in the shift to renewables, signalling ambition and helping to mobilise investments. Although Kenya has a high Renewable Energy content already, there is a need to transition away from Oil use as Oil is the main cause of CO2 emissions (over 90% of Kenya’s emissions) as well as generating more Renewable Energy for the Lapsset Corridor Energy requirements.

The decentralised nature and scale of renewable energy technologies has made it possible to bring energy production closer to a City or SEZ to where the energy is consumed and to develop more distributed energy systems. This has allowed other actors, such as municipal governments, private households and businesses, to take an active role in the energy system and to drive the transition towards renewables. Municipal governments have used their proximity and close ties to their constituents to engage local stakeholders in their energy and climate plans. Central & Local policies are an important tool for encouraging greater uptake of renewables city-wide, helping to boost the involvement of residents, businesses and other urban actors in the energy transition.

This will be a very good programme to link into for additional funding for SEZ’s – Manufacturing.

Circular Development required

The SEZ’s should be developed along a Circular development process, Circular Development, also known as circular economy or cradle-to-cradle development, is an economic and developmental model that aims to eliminate waste and promote the continual use and regeneration of resources. It is in contrast to the traditional linear “take-make-dispose” cradle-to-grave model of development, where resources are extracted, processed, used, and then discarded as waste.

Circular development encourages the rethinking of production and consumption patterns to create a closed-loop system. It involves designing products, services, and systems in a way that ensures resources and materials are used efficiently, and waste is minimized.

Key principles of circular development include:

1. Design for durability and longevity: Products are designed to be long-lasting, repairable, and easily upgradeable to extend their lifespan.

2. Resource efficiency: Resources are used efficiently throughout the product lifecycle, minimizing waste and maximizing value.

3. Waste prevention: The generation of waste is minimized through better product design, efficient manufacturing processes, and smarter consumption habits.

4. Reuse and repair: Products and components are designed to be easily reusable and repairable, promoting a circular flow of materials.

5. Recycling and regeneration: Materials are recycled and regenerated into new products or used for other purposes. Waste is considered a valuable resource.

6. Collaboration and stakeholder engagement: Circular development involves collaboration among different stakeholders, including businesses, governments, communities, and consumers, to foster innovation and create a supportive ecosystem. Circular development has the potential to reduce environmental impact, improve resource efficiency, stimulate innovation, and create new economic opportunities.

By focusing on closing the loop of resource use and eliminating waste, it aims to create a more sustainable and resilient economy while minimizing negative environmental and social externalities.

Sustainable Policing

New Electric Bikes for Policing inner Cities – reduced CO2 sustainable transport infrastructure supplied by WhizzBikes in Bosham, UK

As of 2021, there are approximately 55,000 police officers in Ethiopia, 100,000 police officers in Kenya, and 30,000 police officers in South Sudan.

Could this solution be used in SEZ’s

28 hours to build a ten storey building

A twenty apartment three storey building will cost US $3 million

What you see in the above picture took three days to build

The Government’s 35% investment & 35% share of revenue from the PSECC Ltd proposed solar farms could pay for these new homes in Kibera or else where in Kenya.

Modular Homes for Resorts could be possible

The transition to renewables can improve the energy security and energy autonomy of cities and SEZ’s, making them less subject to external influences, including energy price instability. Energy security is a driver at the national level but is becoming a priority for cities as well, alongside efforts to boost resilience. Important factors determining energy security include the form and origin of the energy supplied, as well as ownership models and the characteristics of energy infrastructure. Energy security can be threatened by factors including geopolitical instability, climate change impacts, fuel shortages and price fluctuations. To boost energy security and resilience, as of 2018 more than 30 cities worldwide had signed onto the 10% Resilience Pledge, which commits mayors to earmarking 10% of their annual city budgets for resilience-related projects, including local renewable energy investments. As of July 2019, a total of 70 cities had published resilience strategies, and 89 had appointed Chief Resiliency Officers to oversee resilience planning and investments.

Energy security also ensures security of supply, which is a central concern for cities suffering from high volatility in energy provision. Many essential city services, such as street lighting and public transport, are dependent on a secure energy supply.

Economic benefits are a central driver for the transition to renewables in cities. Apart from reducing municipal energy costs and price volatility, renewables contribute to urban economic development by attracting new industries and providing opportunities to develop new business models that result in additional local income. This in turn leads to job creation and also contributes to cities’ efforts to brand themselves as “green” and
“sustainable”, which helps to attract new residents, tourists and businesses. Overall, investments in renewables and energy efficiency have strong positive impacts on employment, income and tax earnings at the city level.



The cross-sectional character of cities and SEZ’s, coupled with their large energy use and the responsibility they have for their citizens, means that cites and SEZ’s play multiple roles in the effort to address climate, energy and sustainable development issues; in addition, they must foster the integrated approaches needed to decarbonise energy use in all sectors. Many municipal governments have adopted specific targets for renewable energy.

Thanks to their decentralised nature and scale, renewable energy technologies have made it possible to bring energy production closer to where the energy is consumed and to develop more distributed energy systems. However, potential conflicts may arise with renewable energy production at the local level, related to land requirements for production, the demand for minerals and metals used in renewable technologies, or logging for biomass energy in an unsustainable manner.

Smart City

Smart City districts can install a storage facility that can ensure vital services to the community in normal operations and in the case of disaster. The facility could include a large-scale lithium-ion battery and a solar PV system that can supply 100% of the community’s normal electricity consumption for three days. In addition, groundwater pumps could be connected to the system to provide fresh water in case of a failure of the regular infrastructure.

Cities are turning to renewables to reduce municipal energy costs, limit their exposure to volatile fossil fuel prices and attract local industries and businesses. Many cities import most, if not all, of the energy they consume, typically in the form of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Renewable energy cost reductions have enabled municipal governments to shift to renewables for municipal (or city-wide) energy consumption and have provided
the opportunity for local energy consumption to lower and more easily control energy expenses.

Many cities, mainly in the developing world, are adopting renewable energy policies and targets to expand energy access to more residents, including people living in urban slums and informal settlements and in suburban and peri-urban areas. In 2017, the global electricity access rate in urban areas reached 97.4%, up from 94.7% in 2001 (in rural areas, the rate was 78.7%).

Urban energy access is closely related to ensuring energy affordability. Urban energy poverty is determined by expenditures on items such as transport, housing, electricity and cooking and tends to be concentrated in lower-income, suburban neighbourhoods. On average, the urban poor have less access to energy – and typically spend a higher share of their income on energy – than the urban rich.

Energy poverty is not exclusively a developing country phenomenon. Depending on the data source used, an estimated 50 million to 125 million people in the EU experience energy poverty. Renewables are a central solution to addressing energy poverty in cities, particularly as technology costs decline and in combination with measures to promote energy efficiency and accessibility. Porto (Portugal) tackled energy poverty
directly by renovating public buildings to make them more energy efficient and by installing renewable heating and cooling facilities and solar hot water systems, resulting in annual energy savings of 286 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per square metre (m2). Elsewhere,
Rajkot (India) has installed solar PV in connection to social housing developments, with the potential to reduce 35 tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions per year.

Access to energy for urban populations is greatly influenced by the reliability of the energy supply. While energy network failures happen in cities around the world, they are more frequent in developing countries. Introducing and expanding the use of
renewables in urban energy systems, especially via distributed solutions, can reduce the risk of sudden, large blackouts and increase the overall reliability of supply, supporting the income generating activities of low-income households. Lagos (Nigeria)
established the Lagos Solar Project to provide a reliable supply of renewable power to critical public infrastructure, such as schools and health facilities. To decrease pressure on the grid, Nairobi (Kenya) introduced a regulation requiring large buildings to
harness the city’s solar potential.

Municipal renewable energy targets provide greater long-term certainty to residents, companies and investors about a city’s plans and priorities, and can help mobilise both stakeholders and financing. They can play an important role in shaping city planning, influencing what kind of infrastructure gets built and how cities grow over time. In addition, renewable energy targets foster accountability and provide a measurable basis to monitor progress, enabling cities to contribute in a quantifiable way to achieving broader national or state-level targets. Targets can be designed to apply strictly to municipal operations, or to city-wide energy use; renewable energy targets often also are part of wider climate targets.

The lack of baseline data on urban energy use and generation, particularly city-wide, remains an important barrier for many cities. To develop clear targets and strategies, some cities have undertaken assessment of their baseline data and renewable
energy potential.

Smart City living

A smart house refers to a residence that incorporates advanced automation and technology to enhance comfort, convenience, security, and energy efficiency for its occupants. In the context of the three new Smart cities within the Lapsset Corridor project in Kenya, smart houses would likely feature various integrated systems such as smart lighting, heating and cooling, security cameras, smart appliances, and energy management systems.

Benefits of living in a smart house in the new smart cities of the Lapsset Corridor project may include:

  1. Increased energy efficiency: Smart houses can automatically adjust lighting, heating, and cooling systems to optimize energy usage and reduce utility bills.
  2. Improved convenience: Residents can control various aspects of their home remotely through smartphone apps or voice commands, making daily tasks easier and more efficient.
  3. Enhanced security: Smart homes are equipped with security cameras, sensors, and smart locks that can help protect residents and their property from intruders.
  4. Better health and well-being: Some smart home technologies can monitor air quality, humidity levels, and temperature, providing a healthier indoor environment for residents.
  5. Sustainability: By incorporating energy-efficient appliances and systems, smart houses contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle and reduced carbon footprint.

Overall, living in a smart house within the new Smart cities of the Lapsset Corridor project can offer residents a modern and technologically advanced living space with numerous benefits for comfort, convenience, and sustainability.


Electric Bikes

Carbon credits are then paid currently £32 per ton so carbon dioxide savings for one hour of electric bike use is 0.44Kg.

The amount of carbon dioxide savings in an hour of using an electric bike depends on various factors, such as the source of electricity used to charge the bike’s battery or the amount of carbon dioxide emitted during the production of the bike and its battery. However, compared to a conventional gasoline-powered vehicle, electric bikes generally have considerably lower carbon dioxide emissions. On average, an electric bike emits around 22 grams of CO2 per kilometre, while a conventional car emits approximately 180 grams of CO2 per kilometre. Assuming an average speed of 20 kilometres per hour, using an electric bike for one hour would result in approximately 440 grams (0.44 kilograms) of carbon dioxide emissions saved compared to using a car for the same distance.

Carbon credits are then paid our, currently £32 per ton so carbon dioxide savings for one hour of electric bike use is 0.44Kg.

As a comparison – The carbon dioxide emissions from using a diesel car for one hour can vary depending on the specific make and model of the car, as well as driving conditions and speed. However, on average, a diesel car emits around 2.68 kilograms of CO2 per litre of fuel burned. Considering a typical diesel car with an average fuel consumption of 5 litres per 100 kilometres, this would result in approximately 134 grams (0.134 kilograms) of carbon dioxide emissions per kilometre. If we assume an average speed of 50 kilometres per hour, using a diesel car for one hour would result in approximately 6.7 kilograms (6700 grams) of carbon dioxide emissions.

So using an electric bike for one hour produces 15 times less carbon dioxide when compared to a diesel car used for one hour.

Container Homes – US $38,000