Smart Agriculture

Increase crop production & lower water usage

The Government will facilitate adoption of new technologies and innovations to transform low agricultural productivity in the country, President William Ruto has said.

One million acres to be under irrigation by 2030

According to data from the World Bank, as of 2016, Kenya had a total agricultural land area of approximately 14.52 million hectares, which is equivalent to about 35.88 million acres. Agriculture is a vital sector of the Kenyan economy, employing a large percentage of the population and contributing significantly to the country’s GDP. The agricultural sector in Kenya includes various crops, livestock, and fisheries, with small-scale farming being the predominant form of agriculture in the country.

Harvesting the Sun Twice

PSECC Ltd have been given permission by Dr Richard Randle-Boggis at the University of Sheffield to utilise this smart agriculture design throughout Kenya.

Community cooperatives will be established by PSECC Ltd for the first twenty “Harvesting the Sun Twice” projects at Isiolo in Kenya as part of the Lapsset Corridor Energy programme.
LATIA – Agribusiness Solutions Ltd – Kajiado

PSECC Ltd will pay for five apprenticeships in order to train-up Kenya personnel in the AgriTech business and promote the “Harvesting the Sun Twice” project throughout the Lapsset Corridor. The aim will be to have 500 of the Harvesting the Sun twice projects throughout Lapsset Corridor at a cost of approximately US $25 million, funding provision to be arranged by PSECC Ltd.

German Farmers example

As a combination of agricultural production and solar energy generation, agrivoltaics helps to mitigate land use conflicts. However, this requires the willingness of farmers to adopt the technology, as without them the dissemination of agrivoltaics is not possible. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate farmers’ willingness to use agrivoltaics. An online survey among German farmers was conducted in February 2023. The dataset consists of 214 farmers. In order to answer the research aim, a factor analysis and a binary logistic regression were undertaken. This research could be useful for Lapsset Corridor.

The results show that 72.4% of the farmers would be willing to use agrivoltaics. The “perceived usefulness” of the technology has the strongest influence, followed by “subjective norm” and “innovativeness” of the farmer. For farmers in both German and now possible in Lapsset Corridor, the most important function of agrivoltaics is the additional source of income and the future development of the farms.

Increase in crop production by as much as 390% and using

95% less water & Zero Pesticides.

As of now, there isn’t a specific or publicly available figure on the total number of acres of agricultural land within the LAPSSET corridor. The LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority (LCDA) is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the implementation of the LAPSSET project, including related land use planning and development activities.

The LAPSSET corridor passes through various regions with diverse land use patterns, including agricultural land, urban areas, and natural habitats. The project is designed to promote economic development, trade, and connectivity in the region, and may include provisions for sustainable agricultural development and land use practices. It is possible that agricultural land within the LAPSSET corridor may be utilized for agricultural projects, agribusiness ventures, or related infrastructure development to support the overall goals of the project. However, specific details on the total acreage of agricultural land within the corridor would likely require further research or data from the LCDA or relevant authorities.

PSECC Ltd recommend AeroFarms212 Rome Street, Newark, NJ 07105-3905 as partners in the Lapsset Corridor project.

Food security – President Ruto

Egypt example of irrigation

19% less water used in irrigation, Larger crop yields and between built on a North / South axis for uniformed shading and sunlight penetration, savings in cost is between $400 to $700 per month for the growers, which is very significant.

In realty the savings experienced is $700 per month.

My email to Richard – “It would be useful to have some form of link into you and the University of Sheffield, if you deem us worthy to try and see if we at PSECC Ltd can assist in further exploitation of your “Harvesting the Sun Twice” in Kenya, Zambia and Ghana. ” his reply – “No problem at all. Here’s the link to an article on our webpage, here’s a Guardian article on the project, and here’s a short video by the World Economic Forum.”

PSECC Ltd Project Management & Admin Lead for the University of Greenwich AgriTech InnovateUK project


Recognizing that unprecedented adverse climate impacts are increasingly threatening the resilience of agriculture and food systems as well as the ability of many, especially the most vulnerable, to produce and access food in the face of mounting hunger, malnutrition, and economic stress.

Recognizing the profound potential of agriculture and food systems to drive powerful and innovative responses to climate change and to unlock shared prosperity for all.

1. Scaling-up adaptation and resilience activities and responses in order to reduce the vulnerability of all farmers, fisherfolk, and other food producers to the impacts of climate change, including through financial and technical support for solutions, capacity building, infrastructure, and innovations, including early warning systems, that promote sustainable food security, production and nutrition, while conserving, protecting and restoring nature. 

2. Promoting food security and nutrition by increasing efforts to support vulnerable people through approaches such as social protection systems and safety nets, school feeding and public procurement programs, targeted research and innovation, and focusing on the specific needs of women, children and youth, Indigenous Peoples, smallholders, family farmers, local communities and persons with disabilities, among others; 

3. Supporting workers in agriculture and food systems, including women and youth, whose livelihoods are threatened by climate change, to maintain inclusive, decent work, through context-appropriate approaches which could include increasing, adapting and diversifying incomes; 

4. Strengthening the integrated management of water in agriculture and food systems at all levels to ensure sustainability and reduce adverse impacts on communities that depend on these inter-related areas; 

5. Maximize the climate and environmental benefits – while containing and reducing harmful impacts – associated with agriculture and food systems by conserving, protecting and restoring land and natural ecosystems, enhancing soil health, and biodiversity, and shifting from higher greenhouse gas-emitting practices to more sustainable production and consumption approaches, including by reducing food loss and waste and promoting sustainable aquatic blue foods; 

To achieve these aims – according to our own national circumstances – we commit to expedite the integration of agriculture and food systems into our climate action and, simultaneously, to mainstream climate action across our policy agendas and actions related to agriculture and food systems.

Some good examples in Kenya

Poly Tunnels

Poly tunnels are a good idea for increased crop production in Kenya. Poly tunnels, also known as high tunnels or hoop houses, are structures made from plastic or other translucent materials that serve as protective coverings for crops. They create a microclimate that can help increase crop yields by extending growing seasons, protecting crops from pests and diseases, and providing a controlled environment for optimal growth. In Kenya, where the climate can be challenging with unpredictable rainfall patterns and extreme temperatures, poly tunnels can be particularly beneficial. Here are some reasons why poly tunnels are a good idea for increased crop production in Kenya:

1. Extending growing seasons: Poly tunnels can help extend the growing season by creating a warmer environment, allowing farmers to grow crops throughout the year. This is especially useful for crops that require warmer temperatures and cannot thrive in the open field during colder seasons.

2. Protection from pests and diseases: Poly tunnels act as a barrier, protecting crops from insects, birds, and other pests. They also help reduce the spread of diseases by limiting the contact between crops and soil-borne pathogens.

3. Temperature and moisture control: Poly tunnels allow farmers to have greater control over temperature and moisture levels. They help regulate temperature fluctuations, preventing heat stress or cold damage to crops. Additionally, the cover prevents excessive evaporation, resulting in more efficient water usage.

4. Improved crop quality: With better control over environmental factors, crops grown in poly tunnels often have higher quality characteristics such as better colour, taste, and texture. This can be advantageous for marketability and fetch better prices.

5. Increased crop productivity: By providing an ideal growing environment, poly tunnels can significantly increase crop productivity. Farmers can maximize yields by utilizing the available space efficiently and growing crops that are well-suited to tunnel farming.

6. Diversification of crops: Poly tunnels allow farmers to cultivate a wide variety of crops that may not be suitable for traditional farming methods. This diversification provides opportunities for crop rotation, risk mitigation, and income generation from diverse produce. However, it’s important to note that poly tunnels require careful management and planning, including proper irrigation, ventilation, and pest control measures. Farmer training and access to technical support are essential to ensure successful implementation. Additionally, the initial investment cost and ongoing maintenance may pose challenges for some farmers, though the benefits can outweigh the costs in the long run.