Lamu Port Solar Farm & Green Hydrogen plant

Example of Hydrogen plant powered by a Solar farm

Subject to negotiations

300MW Solar Farm

With a 50MW Green Hydrogen Plant

7,963.64 metric tonnes of hydrogen produced per year

Powered by a solar farm

Amount of electricity to be supplied to hydrogen plant each year

The amount of renewable electricity required to power a smaller 50MW Green Hydrogen plant can vary depending on the efficiency of the electrolysis process used to produce hydrogen. In general, the electricity required for electrolysis is typically around 50-55 kWh per kilogram of hydrogen produced.

Assuming the plant operates at a 90% efficiency and produces around 6.3 kg of hydrogen per hour, it would require approximately 315 kWh per hour. Over the course of a year, this would amount to around 1.5 GWh of electricity needed to power a 50MW Green Hydrogen plant.

This figure may fluctuate depending on the specific technology and design of the hydrogen plant, as well as variables such as the input power price and the local energy grid’s capacity and reliability.

Amount of Hydrogen produced each year

To determine how much hydrogen will be produced each year in a 50MW green hydrogen plant, we first need to calculate the total annual energy output of the plant.

Assuming the plant operates at its full capacity of 50MW, this would mean that it produces 50 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity every hour.

Over the course of a year (assuming 24/7 operation), this would equate to:

50 MWh/hour * 24 hours/day * 365 days/year = 438,000 MWh/year

Next, we can use the efficiency of the electrolysis process to determine the amount of hydrogen produced from this electricity. As mentioned earlier, the typical efficiency of electrolysis is around 50-55 kWh per kilogram of hydrogen produced.

Let’s assume an efficiency of 55 kWh per kilogram of hydrogen. This means that for every 55 kWh of electricity input, 1 kilogram of hydrogen is produced.

Therefore, in a year, the 50MW green hydrogen plant would produce:

438,000 MWh/year * 1,000 kWh/MWh / 55 kWh/kg = 7,963,636.36 kg or 7,963.64 metric tonnes of hydrogen per year

So, a 50MW green hydrogen plant operating at maximum capacity would produce approximately 7,963.64 metric tonnes of hydrogen per year.