
E-Bikes (Electric Bikes) available for Lapsset Corridor & Assembly plant

Whizzbikes want to have an E-Bike assembly plant for Lapsset Corridor in the Three Resort Cities of Lamu, Isiolo, and Lake Turkana

Initially – setup the E-Bike assembly plant for Police Bikes followed by E-Bikes for SEZ’s

Very high standard of robust equipment and assembly

As of 2021, there are approximately 55,000 police officers in Ethiopia, 100,000 police officers in Kenya, and 30,000 police officers in South Sudan. If 10% of the Police Officers had electric bikes that amounts to 18,500 bikes and would indicate a good sustainable adaptive transition within the Lapsset Corridor programme moving away from fossil fuel use in transport, it would be a start.

Steve Filary of Whizzbikes & PSECC Ltd the Technical & Development manager for development of E-Bikes within the Lapsset Corridor is currently in talks with the Addis Ababa Police. Steve has 40 years plus in the electronics industry and 30 years of that in the retail sector and within that ten years in electric bike environmental sales, six years of PSECC Ltd sustainable transport market development and assembly.

Assembly plants can be established in each of the three SEZ’s and cities, first in Lapsset Corridor in Kenya.

Electric Mopeds

We also have a variety of E-Mopeds that boast impressive features such as ranges up to 60 miles on a single charge and top speeds of 50 miles per hour and again these can be supplied to Lapsset Corridor.

These vehicles are not only environmentally friendly, but they also provide a cost-effective and efficient mode of transportation with prices as low as 1p per mile and again could be utilised within the Lapsset Corridor, especially in the three new Special Economic zones (SEZ’s) and new cities.

Benefits to Lapsset Corridor

Setting up an electric bike assembly plant in Kenya for the Lapsset Corridor development program can have several benefits, including:

  1. Environmental sustainability: Electric bikes produce fewer carbon emissions compared to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment. This aligns with the Lapsset Corridor’s goals of promoting sustainable development and reducing the carbon footprint of transportation in the region. Reduces the use of oil in transportation and brings down the current 14 million tons a year of CO2 attributed to oil use in Kenya.
  2. Job creation and economic development: Establishing an electric bike assembly plant will create opportunities for local employment and skill development. It can also stimulate ancillary industries related to the electric bike market, such as maintenance, repair services, and retail.
  3. Infrastructure development: The production of electric bikes can drive improvements in the local infrastructure, including charging stations and maintenance facilities, which can benefit both the assembly plant and the broader community.
  4. Energy efficiency: Electric bikes are more energy-efficient compared to traditional vehicles, which can help reduce overall energy consumption and dependency on fossil fuels in the region. This can contribute to the overall energy security and resiliency of the transportation sector.
  5. Promote innovation and technology transfer: Setting up an electric bike assembly plant can promote the adoption of new technologies and encourage innovation in the transportation sector. This can help build local expertise and capabilities in sustainable mobility solutions.

Overall, establishing an electric bike assembly plant in Kenya for the Lapsset Corridor development program can support the goals of sustainable development, economic growth, and improved transportation infrastructure in the region.

Government have already an E-Motorcycle agreement.

The government of Kenya has pledged to support the acquisition of electric motorcycles in the country to a high of 200,000 pieces by the end of 2024. President William Ruto said on Tuesday that currently, there are less than 2,000 electric motorcycles manufactured in the country. “There is a company they have reached an agreement with on how we shall have 200,000 motorcycles by the end of next year.” 

Ruto said the government has removed five different taxes in the electric motorcycle manufacturing sector. 

“We shall remove the 16 VAT on the electric motorcycles, this means the cost of the electric motorcycles will drop by 16 per cent,” Ruto said.

Whizzbikes want to have an E-Bike assembly plant for Lapsset Corridor in the Three Resort Cities of Lamu, Isiolo, and Lake Turkana

CO2 emission reduction

To calculate the CO2 emissions from using an electric bike versus a car for one mile in Kenya, we need to consider the average CO2 emissions associated with electricity generation in Kenya and the average fuel consumption and emissions of a typical car in Kenya.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the average CO2 emissions from electricity generation in Kenya is around 0.175 kg CO2 per kWh.

For an electric bike, let’s assume it consumes 0.2 kWh per mile.

Therefore, the CO2 emissions from using an electric bike for one mile would be:

0.2 kWh/mile x 0.175 kg CO2/kWh = 0.035 kg CO2 per mile

Now, let’s consider a typical car in Kenya that runs on fossil fuel. The average fuel consumption of a car in Kenya is around 8 litres per 100 kilometres (km). Converting this to miles, we get:

8 litres/100 km x 0.6214 miles/km = 0.0497 gallons per mile

Assuming gasoline emits around 8.91 kg CO2 per gallon when burned, the CO2 emissions from using a car for one mile would be:

0.0497 gallons/mile x 8.91 kg CO2/gallon = 0.443 kg CO2 per mile

Therefore, the CO2 emissions from using an electric bike for one mile in Kenya are 0.035 kg CO2, while the CO2 emissions from using a car for the same distance are 0.443 kg CO2.

Using our electric bikes results in significantly lower CO2 emissions compared to driving a car running on fossil fuel in Kenya for the same distance.

Larger E-Bike & manufacturing plant

Example of factory in India

How Electric Bike motors are made

Example of new larger E-Bike Manufacturing plant

This will be possible for Lapsset Corridor with PSECC Ltd & Whizzbikes experts