
Lapsset Corridor – We have advised both Nairobi & Kisumu Governments on Waste management and were considered the best option. Our waste Gasification plants – 100% Recycling of glass & metals, plastic is used for electricity production to increase the Renewable Energy generation capacity of Kisumu – Circular Economy – ZERO Waste – ZERO Waste to Landfill.

kisumu Sustainable Waste Circular Economy. Our plants use the plastic for energy generation, 100% of Glass, Ash and Metals are recycled.  New Glass, Metal and Building blocks for house building companies can now be set up in Kisumu offering jobs & Manufacturing plants possible & food production using CO2 from the waste plants.

All Counties such as Kisumu in Kenya can enter the Circular Economy – provide the Technology Infrastructure and Funding to make this possible. Sustainable Urban & Rural Life…..

Some of our work in Africa

Circular Development required

The SEZ’s should be developed along a Circular development process, Circular Development, also known as circular economy or cradle-to-cradle development, is an economic and developmental model that aims to eliminate waste and promote the continual use and regeneration of resources. It is in contrast to the traditional linear “take-make-dispose” cradle-to-grave mode of development, where resources are extracted, processed, used, and then discarded as waste.

Circular development encourages the rethinking of production and consumption patterns to create a closed-loop system. It involves designing products, services, and systems in a way that ensures resources and materials are used efficiently, and waste is minimized.

Key principles of circular development include:

1. Design for durability and longevity: Products are designed to be long-lasting, repairable, and easily upgradeable to extend their lifespan.

2. Resource efficiency: Resources are used efficiently throughout the product lifecycle, minimizing waste and maximizing value.

3. Waste prevention: The generation of waste is minimized through better product design, efficient manufacturing processes, and smarter consumption habits.

4. Reuse and repair: Products and components are designed to be easily reusable and repairable, promoting a circular flow of materials.

5. Recycling and regeneration: Materials are recycled and regenerated into new products or used for other purposes. Waste is considered a valuable resource.

6. Collaboration and stakeholder engagement: Circular development involves collaboration among different stakeholders, including businesses, governments, communities, and consumers, to foster innovation and create a supportive ecosystem. Circular development has the potential to reduce environmental impact, improve resource efficiency, stimulate innovation, and create new economic opportunities.

By focusing on closing the loop of resource use and eliminating waste, it aims to create a more sustainable and resilient economy while minimizing negative environmental and social externalities.

Sustainable Urban Living.  This long video explains how the UK can shift into a Circular Economy through the adoption of our plants that has functionality in the waste sector and lead to Sustainable Urban & Rural Life – Organisational Structure with Whole Cost accounting for Ecological & Social systems, Natural Capital.